Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Society of GAIMS (SRESOG)


A safe place for everyone to discuss, talk about and exercise their Sexual and Reproductive Rights irrespective of the stigma and discrimination. The strategy is to develop national developmental goals and reproductive health targets, to ultimately achieve the highest standard of reproductive and sexual health for all.


To acquaint medical students and provide them with the necessary information and tools (designed in a culturally sensitive manner) required for busting myths, creating awareness, providing training on the pillars of SRESOG, exchange of ideas, working in SWGs to make a difference at local, national and international levels.


  • Comprehensive Sexual & Adolescent Health Education
  • Female and Maternal Health & Hygiene
  • Promotion of SOGIESC & LGBTQIA+ Rights among Medicos
  • HIV-AIDS and other STIs Awareness
  • Gender-Based Violence
  • Safe practice of Abortion Rights
  • Bioethics related
  • Gender Equality

Our Projects

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